
Shoot Commercial Photography with Ben Waugh

Ben is a Commercial Product and Lifestyle Photographer & Videographer with a strong passion for telling stories & the outdoors. He's also an automotive enthusiast, who isn't afraid to get his hands dirty. When he's not behind the camera, Ben can be often found working on a range of projects, riding motorcycles, & drinking coffee.

man holding a camera

What type of cameras and lenses do you use?

I shoot on the Canon Mirrorless system, right now I am using the Canon R5 and all Canon L Series glass. This is a great hybrid camera for the work that I do as it's a balance of both commercial photo and video work that I do for my clients.

I love how the Canon system works, I love the colours, and the camera also just feels really nice to use (and that is a really big part of it). The camera you choose really doesn't matter these days, every camera is awesome - but you need to enjoy using it. The more you enjoy using it, the more you will use it, the more practice you will have and the better your work will be because of it!

mountain bike in the snow

What kind of tools do you use for post-processing?

I use the Adobe software for image editing, primarily Lightroom Classic, which I've been using for years. When it comes to retouching / making changes to images I use Photoshop.

As a former Graphic Designer, the Adobe suite is very comfortable and second nature to me, however, as with camera brands, the choice of editing software really comes down to preference.

tail of a plane in mountain landscape

Where is your favorite place to shoot and why?

I really enjoy being outside in nature, that's why I chose to live in the mountains as opposed to a big city. I love the fresh air, the vastness of nature and the diversity in the textures and sounds.

I used to live and work in a big city in Australia, and I never quite felt the freedom there that I've found being in the mountains in Canada. I've been really fortunate to travel quite a lot and I've always found myself the most motivated and excited when I am outside.

volvo car with mountain landscape

What subject draws you to take a photo of it?

I really enjoy telling stories through my commercial work. Seeing a product from a different perspective, and/or invoking a sense of emotion to the scene, really making the audience resonate with the image, and make them feel like they could be there. I think showing products in this way is also a really great way to enjoy the process and have fun while I work.

man riding a motorcycle

Can you share some tips on how you shoot your images?

I really enjoy shooting into the light, I don't do this all the time, but I do love it. By doing this, you can nearly always create a nice image, no matter the time of day. I really love the light and airy feel this gives the images and you aren't battling harsh shadows a lot of the time doing this.

Ben Waugh Headshot

What has been your biggest challenge in pursuing a career in photography?

Without getting too deep, I honestly think that the biggest challenge that myself and a lot of people come across when starting a career in photography, or anything for that matter, is overcoming the doubt that you can do it.

It's very easy in the beginning to be stoked, excited and passionate, but like with most things, there come challenges and setbacks that can really make you second guess your decision to take on the goal of a new career, it is really daunting to quit your job in the pursuit of your dreams. But believing in yourself, working hard and surrounding yourself with the right people is truly the key to success in anything, just as much as it is with photography.

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Instagram: @benwaugh

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